Most acquainted with
my family know that we are in the process of raising up the financial and prayer support to go as full-time
missionaries to the US/Mexico border.
Support raising.
"Are you still here?," ask folks I haven't seen for a while.
"We're getting there," I answer.
It’s a long process.
It is a process that reminds me, every single day, that my dependence is on the work of God alone.
It is a process that reminds me, every single day, that He is so very good.

We are charged with challenging churches and families and individuals to become part of our team, to partner with us in ministering to the people at the border, in growing new churches, in showing Christ’s love and mercy to people in need.
Oh how we want to be on the border.
The thought of being there takes a bit of my breath away, in excitement, in anticipation, in wonder.
Our team leader is already there, learning every day, clarifying vision, meeting people, making plans.
We hear the news, and the needs, and it spurs us on.
Oh how we want to be on the border.
Its a process. Sometimes I think about the missionaries of years past, those who packed up a trunk, and said their goodbyes, and simply went. Sometimes I wish that is how it would be for us.
But, God is growing us, growing me, through this process. It’s so beautiful to see His people respond to need. We are so thankful, thankful for those who stepped out in faith from the first time we spoke of God’s plans for our family. Thankful for big checks that have made us gasp when we saw the amount. Thankful for monthly commitments that we know are sacrificial. Thankful for those that don't really know us, but see the need and respond. Thankful for those who do know us, and confirm this call through their giving. Thankful for family that doesn’t understand what we’re doing a bit, and yet trust us with their gifts anyway.
We’ve spoken to churches, to pastors, to mission committee members, to congregations, to Sunday school classes. And God has encouraged us in every step of that process. We have church partners that are already dear to us. We’re excited to share this journey with them.
And now, we’re really praying for families and individuals to come alongside of us, as well. We need about 50 more folks to join our financial support team. We are asking God to go ahead of us, to move in those who would have a heart to give before we even speak to them, to prepare the way ahead of us. We are certain He will be faithful to do that.

Amy Carmichael, missionary to India, one of the great cloud of witnesses I am sure, is credited with saying, “You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” Of course, giving looks different for different people. We cannot minimize how very thankful we also are for those who have committed to praying for our family. We wouldn't dare step forward without that partnership either.
If you have questions about what we hope to do, or perhaps are interested in joining our team, let me know. It's easy
to give, and we'd be pleased to send our monthly prayer list to you also.
Little by little, He is getting us there.