What a year, 2010.
I began the year hopeful, expectant, of what was ahead, of what the Lord would show us, of where He would take us.
Perhaps a bit anxious, as well, taking steps in faith, one by one, eyes fixed on a path that He set out.
The first half of the year often found me pressed on every side, mourning “lasts” while taking care of tasks. At times, it seemed there was a mountain ahead of us, and we were barely over the first hill. There were times, so many times, that we simply came to the end of ourselves, and there was absolutely nothing else to do but pray. And in those times, our God always, every single time, provided for us.
In the second half, homeless but never without a place, I almost felt as if we were following His cloud by day and His pillar of fire by night. And yet, the fellowship we experienced was rich. We knew His presence keenly. I often felt alone, but I never felt abandoned.
In this year, He met our needs exceedingly abundantly, far more than we could ask or conceive. He gave us people when we were in need. He provided funds when we didn’t know where else to ask or to look. He opened doors we thought had been closed. He gave us His Word at specific moments for encouragement. He showed me my sin, and then gently poured on grace. He took us on roads we had not before travelled, and He made us to be blessed.
And 12 full months later, I rejoice in His goodness.
Again, I look ahead expectantly, and again a bit anxiously as well, for what lies ahead.
Today I was reminded of Samuel, who set down a stone, and said, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” Yes, today I look back at the past, but like Samuel, I then turn towards the future, knowing the journey is not yet finished and ever certain that He will be faithful to bring His plan to completion. Charles Spurgeon writes, “When the words “thus far” are read in heaven’s light, what glorious and miraculous prospects they reveal to our grateful eyes!”
Onward to 2011!
(photo credit: Stone by karinaliberty on Etsy)
A bloggy place to think out loud. "Here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." (Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, v. 3)
30 December 2010
All things new
from Revelation 21-
a new heaven and a new earth;
the holy city, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband;
"He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them...;"
He will wipe away every tear;
and death shall be no more;
no mourrning,
no crying,
no pain.
And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment."
Revelation 21:5-6
Oh the hope!
NOW I remember!
This is why I persevere through Revelation each December!
(photo: taken this week at a carnival here in nearby Zapote. Behind us, the sky was ominously dark. Around us was dirty and crowded and loud. But in the distance, the hope of the rainbow. Seemed like a good match for this post...)
a new heaven and a new earth;
the holy city, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband;
"He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them...;"
He will wipe away every tear;
and death shall be no more;
no mourrning,
no crying,
no pain.
And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment."
Revelation 21:5-6
Oh the hope!
NOW I remember!
This is why I persevere through Revelation each December!
(photo: taken this week at a carnival here in nearby Zapote. Behind us, the sky was ominously dark. Around us was dirty and crowded and loud. But in the distance, the hope of the rainbow. Seemed like a good match for this post...)
28 December 2010

(photo credit: Lean on Me Taos Pueblo NM by erinseay on Etsy)
year end mags...
I love the end of the year "Best"'s.
If I were in the States right now, I promise, I'd be sneaking over the library, finding a chair in the corner, and reading all the year end magazines...
silly to Simple to Sports.
For the best photography of the year, check out the National Geographic Traveler 2010 World in Focus Photo Contest winners. Someday I want to take a photo that good...!
hmmm... maybe I should make a year end list...
(photo credit: 2010 World in Focus Photo Contest, "Happy Girl" by Marjorie Lang)
If I were in the States right now, I promise, I'd be sneaking over the library, finding a chair in the corner, and reading all the year end magazines...
silly to Simple to Sports.
For the best photography of the year, check out the National Geographic Traveler 2010 World in Focus Photo Contest winners. Someday I want to take a photo that good...!
hmmm... maybe I should make a year end list...
(photo credit: 2010 World in Focus Photo Contest, "Happy Girl" by Marjorie Lang)
25 December 2010
Look now!
O ye beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps so slow;
Look now, for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing;
Oh rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels, and hear them sing
- It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Thinking about the promises fulfilled by Christ's coming takes my breath away.
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Lord God Almighty, The Most High God, Master, My Banner, My Shepherd, Healer, God With Us, Our Righteousness, Everlasting, Provider
What a wonder, today, to rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing!
Merry Christmas!
(art credit: Cantet Nunc Lo by Tate)
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps so slow;
Look now, for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing;
Oh rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels, and hear them sing
- It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Thinking about the promises fulfilled by Christ's coming takes my breath away.
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Lord God Almighty, The Most High God, Master, My Banner, My Shepherd, Healer, God With Us, Our Righteousness, Everlasting, Provider
What a wonder, today, to rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing!
Merry Christmas!
(art credit: Cantet Nunc Lo by Tate)
December Photo Project- 24
We sang, and everyone smiled even though we are clearly amateurs.
We worshiped.
We were taught.
And then we ate tamales!
We worshiped.
We were taught.
And then we ate tamales!
23 December 2010
22 December 2010
One who stayed

The year 2010 has brought multiple encounters with people like the Littles, "ones who stayed," men and women of whom the world is not worthy, as the writer of Hebrews calls them. One is Joel, pastor of an evangelical church in Baghdad. Asked how to pray for a congregation that has faced death all year long, he didn't ask for safety or prosperity but for his church to experience deliverance from a "spirit of religion, where we worship creation instead of the creator" and from "our spirit of pride, rooted as we are so close to ancient Babylon."
- from "Aroma of Christ" by Mindy Belz, WORLD Magazine, January 1, 2011
That phrase, it comes back to my mind over and over again-
"the ones who stayed"...
"the ones who stayed"...
(photo credit: AFP Photo/Handout/Courtesy of Tom Little Family/Newscom)
December Photo Project- 21
So this Christmas, give gifts if you like. We will in our family. Receive them all with thanksgiving. But do not forget what we need most–salvation from our sins. This is one gift the real St. Nicholas would not have overlooked. In fact, I’m convinced, if given the opportunity, he would have loved to be there with the shepherds and the angels, bowing down around the manger in Bethlehem. And I bet he would have brought a present too.
- Kevin DeYoung, Santa Claus with the Baby in Bethlehem (part 2), DeYoung, Restless and Reformed
- Kevin DeYoung, Santa Claus with the Baby in Bethlehem (part 2), DeYoung, Restless and Reformed
20 December 2010
December Photo Project- 20
When we have much, may we enjoy God in everything,
and when we have little, may we enjoy God as everything,
and Jesus is with the poor so why would we want to be
any different?
- A Jesus Advent Celebration, day 19 "Watching for Him who is Enough," by Ann Voskamp
and when we have little, may we enjoy God as everything,
and Jesus is with the poor so why would we want to be
any different?
- A Jesus Advent Celebration, day 19 "Watching for Him who is Enough," by Ann Voskamp
19 December 2010
December Photo Project- 19
It was the 12th year for our "virtual" ornament exchange and chat. I'm so thankful for that group of friends!
18 December 2010
16 December 2010
December Photo Project- 16
Looking out our windows this time of year, we can see it, the whole world bedecked in strands of lights, twinkling and blinking awake. Because we once lived in a dark land, a time before the warming hope of Christ, but now we celebrate the Light of the World who now shines the brilliance of grace upon us. We wake to wonder!
- from A Jesus Advent Celebration (day 13- Light to Warm Us) by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience
- from A Jesus Advent Celebration (day 13- Light to Warm Us) by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience
15 December 2010
14 December 2010
December Photo Project- 14
Instead of the regular study, we were asked to share the Lord's blessings in our lives this year.
Where do I start?
I barely know the words.
Where do I start?
I barely know the words.
13 December 2010
December Photo Project- 13
First day of vacation. No where to be, nothing special to do. For the first day, that was a good thing.
12 December 2010
Seen: I adore all things Geninne. Period.
(this- Galison)
Heard: “I’ve been climbing my whole life and I’m only at the bottom of the mountain…My hands cannot reach it and my mind cannot comprehend it, but my soul is going to get there one day.” -Christa Wells
Go here, and then click on #9, On the Mountain.
This song makes me want to get in the car, and get on the highway, and head straight into the horizon with the stereo turned very loud.
Alas, no car, no highway, no stereo,
but I promise that in my head, I'm singing loud.
Read: I bought Bonhoeffer for my Kindle PC/Touch this morning. I'm excited about that.
The Kindle software has been really handy since we don't have access to a many books right now.
I love that I can highlight passages. I love that it takes no room.
But here's what I don't like- I can't tell how many pages are left to read in a chapter...
Pondered: A pattern. Reasonableness and gentleness.
That's what I would like to be known for, too.
(this- Galison)
Heard: “I’ve been climbing my whole life and I’m only at the bottom of the mountain…My hands cannot reach it and my mind cannot comprehend it, but my soul is going to get there one day.” -Christa Wells
Go here, and then click on #9, On the Mountain.
This song makes me want to get in the car, and get on the highway, and head straight into the horizon with the stereo turned very loud.
Alas, no car, no highway, no stereo,
but I promise that in my head, I'm singing loud.
Read: I bought Bonhoeffer for my Kindle PC/Touch this morning. I'm excited about that.
The Kindle software has been really handy since we don't have access to a many books right now.
I love that I can highlight passages. I love that it takes no room.
But here's what I don't like- I can't tell how many pages are left to read in a chapter...
Pondered: A pattern. Reasonableness and gentleness.
That's what I would like to be known for, too.
December Photo Project- 12
A pretty twirly swirly dress and her first formal party, a Quinceanera.
Time goes by oh so very quickly...
Time goes by oh so very quickly...
11 December 2010
December Photo Project- 11
I saw it, and went back in to get my camera. I was surprised it was still there, and that I got the picture, too.
(the Great Kiskadee)
(the Great Kiskadee)
10 December 2010
December Photo Project- 10
It's good to have a spiffy tie for the Christmas party when your last name is Holliday...
09 December 2010
08 December 2010
07 December 2010
06 December 2010
05 December 2010
God with us
From tonight's Advent devotional readings-
I am with you and will protect you everywhere you go and will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you.
Genesis 28:15
"God is with us in this season of coming and going and God is with us in these places,though we knew it not, at our tables and in our cars and down our street and in the unlikeliest, unexpected places, even in a place like the manger of a barn and we meet God today in a thousand places. Who knows it?"
- Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience
(art credit: Marc Chagall, Jacob's Ladder, 1977)
I am with you and will protect you everywhere you go and will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you.
Genesis 28:15
"God is with us in this season of coming and going and God is with us in these places,though we knew it not, at our tables and in our cars and down our street and in the unlikeliest, unexpected places, even in a place like the manger of a barn and we meet God today in a thousand places. Who knows it?"
- Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience
(art credit: Marc Chagall, Jacob's Ladder, 1977)
December Photo Project- 5
It was the only candle we had, and then we took it out to save for the next time the power goes out.
04 December 2010
Winter is where hope lies happy.
I haven't yet missed the coming of winter a bit. But this poem describes all the things that I do love about winter, and it makes one a bit nostalgic about the change of season...
(From the Bench at the Bend in the Trail)
I know that I should cringe
When I think of the muddy cold
Of winter in Tennessee.
But today, with my daughter
And her friend prancing
In the brown grass yard,
Crunching leaves, singing,
Rosy cheeked and rowdy
In the chill of Autumn,
Refusing their sweaters,
Drinking the dusk
Like a mug of cider,
I look to the early dark
Of winter with easy joy,
Because those are the days
We light candles, eat soup
And keep the water hot
For tea, or coffee, or cocoa
With those crunchy little
Those are the days
We wrap ourselves
In quilts my mother made
To watch our favorite movies.
Or we dust off the gameboard
And look out the windows
At the weak light and yearn
For past (or future) graces,
For dying days like this one,
Or days like last April
When I felt against my lips
How the new leaves
On the maples were soft
As a baby’s foot.
We find some peace
In warm pleasures:
In the smallness
Of our heated house
Beneath the vast
Mountain of cold air
Piled on us clear
To the stratosphere,
Trying to freeze us
In our lamp-lit hollow,
Our cleft of calm and longing
Where we tend the fire:
Memory of Autumn’s embers,
Coming song of spring,
Summer kicking in the womb.
Winter is where hope lies happy.
(credit to Andrew Peterson at The Rabbit Room)
(From the Bench at the Bend in the Trail)
I know that I should cringe
When I think of the muddy cold
Of winter in Tennessee.
But today, with my daughter
And her friend prancing
In the brown grass yard,
Crunching leaves, singing,
Rosy cheeked and rowdy
In the chill of Autumn,
Refusing their sweaters,
Drinking the dusk
Like a mug of cider,
I look to the early dark
Of winter with easy joy,
Because those are the days
We light candles, eat soup
And keep the water hot
For tea, or coffee, or cocoa
With those crunchy little
Those are the days
We wrap ourselves
In quilts my mother made
To watch our favorite movies.
Or we dust off the gameboard
And look out the windows
At the weak light and yearn
For past (or future) graces,
For dying days like this one,
Or days like last April
When I felt against my lips
How the new leaves
On the maples were soft
As a baby’s foot.
We find some peace
In warm pleasures:
In the smallness
Of our heated house
Beneath the vast
Mountain of cold air
Piled on us clear
To the stratosphere,
Trying to freeze us
In our lamp-lit hollow,
Our cleft of calm and longing
Where we tend the fire:
Memory of Autumn’s embers,
Coming song of spring,
Summer kicking in the womb.
Winter is where hope lies happy.
(credit to Andrew Peterson at The Rabbit Room)
03 December 2010
02 December 2010
December Photo Project- 2
(lots of great pictures at the December Photo Project)
01 December 2010
The nicest thing about rain is that it always stops. Eventually.
- Eeyore
It was raining when we went to bed,
and when we woke up, it was raining.
It was raining when we went to bed,
and when we woke up, it was raining.
And it is still raining.
They tell me that December is the beginning of summer.
I'm ready.
- Eeyore
It was raining when we went to bed,
and when we woke up, it was raining.
It was raining when we went to bed,
and when we woke up, it was raining.
And it is still raining.
They tell me that December is the beginning of summer.
I'm ready.
December Photo Project- 1
The poinsettias and the party brightened up the day.
(December Photo Project at View From the Prairie Box)
(December Photo Project at View From the Prairie Box)
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