2014 marks the fifth year I have participated in the December Photo Project. This photography challenge has grown into a December tradition that I adore. It is not complicated- one photo a day for 25 days. But lets be honest. Some days are more photogenic than others. And so, the DPP turns into a photo challenge at times. I love how the December Photo Project prompts me to look at the world with new eyes, and how it encourages me to see beauty in unexpected places.
Really, no one has an excuse these days.
1. we all see beauty and the unique qualities of the world, in people, in creation, all around us, every single day- and if you don't, that's even
more reason to participate.
2. only a few folks don't have a camera on their phone these days, so no more "I don't have a camera" excuses...
3. it's December! Everyone is taking pictures in December. You only look weird and awkward taking pictures every once in a while. (smile)
4. redeem Facebook! fill it up with photos!
Go to
View from the Prairie Box to sign up today. Or tomorrow.
It's worth it, I promise.