My kids are MUCH (that is purposely in CAPS and in bold) more artistic than their mom or their dad. (maybe their dad would argue, but I don't think so...) Today's Five was inspired by S., who before 8 this morning, was working on yet another craft- a space helmet. These guys are always doodling and creating, and even though that can be messy at times, and even though it means that I am forever in search of my scissors and tape, it is a joy to me.
Here's Five (well, Six) Pieces of Art from artists I enjoy:
The stained glass sunflower is from our Su. girl. It was her second solo glass piece- pretty neat, no? It hangs over my sink, so I look at it frequently. And enjoy it always.
The modern Jackson Pollack-esque work is by J. He created it in art class a few years back. J has always been an artist. He has been creating incredibly detailed military battle scenes since he could hold a pencil. His rendition of Captain Hook, from an age 4 perspective, still makes me and his dad smile.
The vase was created by K. when she was 12. I especially love it's colors and angles. I didn't know that you couldn't actually put water in it at first, and boy was that a mess! Now it holds paper flowers that she and Su created. (they happen to be the only flowers thriving in our house...) K is also known to create neat jewelry pieces, and shares them with her friends.
L.'s little piece was created in the style of Monet, when she was 6. It didn't photograph well, so you'll have to believe me on that one. She describes it as "stripes," but it looks like a landscape to me. It reminds me of the sea.
The space helmet. S might best be described as a folk artist. She uses any and all materials around her. She can make a box into a work of art. All the better if the project requires a roll of tape, hot glue and glitter. She says that the space helmet really should have glitter on it, but the foil is sparkly enough. You should see this girl's paper doll wardrobe!
Finally, the heart prints. A. gave that to us when she was in, oh, 3rd or 4th grade. It was done with potato prints and I have had it hanging since the beginning. I love it. You can't really see in the photo, but she signed it, and I love that part about it, too. A. is still an artist and has given us really neat creations since, but this was the first, and so it's special to me for that alone.
So, yes, other artists I enjoy, but none as much as those that are home-grown!
Very nice and very creative! The space helmet is a scream....LOL! It's OK to do six this week, you only did four last week. Thanks for sharing.
HA! I didn't think of averages... :-)
lets talk before the weekend is over...
Loving the art pieces! Fun post...thanks for sharing!
Oh, the joy it brings for years and years!!! Remember blue pottery, signed of course, a wood hanging that spelled MOM (also signed), and little brown bottles with handmade flowers in them? These are a few of my favorite things...STILL! Thank you!!!!! And, enjoy!
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