26 new Americans took the oath this afternoon, coming from 9 different countries: Australia, Bosnia, Canada, China, Iraq, Mexico, Philippines, Sudan, and Vietnam. The ceremony included a very sweet video, The Faces of America, a welcome message from President Bush, and a video showing America to Lee Greenwood's Proud to be an American. And indeed, we all are! We suggested apple pie and ice cream to celebrate, but compromised with delicious pastries and tasty coffee at a French cafe. And isn't that the spirit of America? :-)
Theodore Roosevelt said, "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able to pull his own weight." No worries, then, about adding this new citizen. She's been doing it for years!
Congratulations B! We wave our flags towards you!
Man, I wish I had known ahead of time! I would've been there, too!!!
Sorry friends, I hardly had any time to be there myself. No-one was more surprized than me to learn after my exam and interview in the AM, that I could be sworn in that PM. Either this or wait several months, I thought I would just get it behind me surrepticiously without anyone knowing-or seeing. Who would have thought my bloggy friend would jump at the opportunity for some headline news!
For those of you trying the test, it was not multiple choice in format-which made it harder, or easier, im not sure which!
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