Today's Friday Five:
Five things our family loves about O! summers!

(photo credit to Jeff Bundy of the Omaha World Herald)
2. Baseball: This week J started games with his team, the Cardinals. In the two games he has played in, he played at catcher, pitcher, and third base. But, there's other baseball we enjoy in the summer, too. Of course, Omaha is home to the NCAA College World Series and we've been fortunate enough to been gifted with much coveted tickets to that event each of the last couple of years. We also look forward to the Omaha Royals Independence Day game and fireworks each year.
(photo credit to the CWSOmaha)
3. Concerts: Two free summer concerts we're looking forward to, both at Memorial Park- the "Bank of America Celebrates America" concert with Grucci fireworks. I ask you, what sings "celebrate America" more than Kool and the Gang, 38 Special and Night Wing? Ok- so maybe it's not the music, but the opportunity to lay outside, eat a bunch of picnic-y junk food, buy glow in the dark necklaces, and watch fireworks... On July 12, the city sponsors Feist, that admitedly, I am neither cool or hip enough to know if it weren't for this commercial. But, again, outside, junk food, free... :-)

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." ~John Lubbock
Staying up late. Catching fireflies. Sleeping in. Reading. Playing with neighbor friends. Running through the sprinklers. Crafty creations. Watermelon. Popsicles.
(photo credit: me.)
Summer in O!.
Oh, and come and rest here, too! I have a fountain that I can put in the pool. It is sooo cool!! Almost French. :)
AND Shakespeare on the Green! Looking forward to it.
O. is THE place, isn't it?
AND Ted and Wally's and the Fourth Fireworks! You picked some of the best! Happy O! Love from Ankara!
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