The rules for receiving this award are as follows:
1. Only 5 people allowed.
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.
4 "dedicated followers" of my blog? Are there 4? I think Julie might have taken my four readers when she gave also gave the award to Michelle, Tina, Val and Karen!
I have to send out the first award to Sperlonga, who was my blogging inspiration. I figured if she could do it, so could I. (which, really, is completely ridiculous because there are SO MANY things that she can do that I can't, including sing an incredible tune, and this, probably while singing!)
And, gotta send out an award to my folks, who in their travels in their RV, blog from all over the country! Right now they are in upstate New York, loving on family, and blogging all about it.
To satisfy #3, I'm sending out the award to Palm Tree Pundit, who lives in Hawaii, which seems just about as far from where I sit as anywhere! But besides satisfying the geographical qualification, I do so look forward to her musings and reflections, which seem to so often mirror my own.
And finally, I present the award to Not Dark Yet, who will probably spit out her morning dark roast from laughing out loud when she reads this! I really cannot imagine the Gold Card image on her blog, but I send it out sincerely, friend! Your blog is the closest thing I get to hanging out with you, besides in wedding pews with silly and extraordinarily cute little girls in fancy dresses and cut up slips! I love your writing and your links and you!
thats funny mom! a blogging award? :-) love s.
I think you should get at least one award but probably several for your well-written, funny, inspiring blog. You and Sperlonga inspired us to begin to do the same, although it is often difficult to get started or to find something funny to comment on. See the impact you have had!!!! Congratulations on the award!! Love, Pops
We enjoy your blog(s) so very much and are quite thankful for yout humor, wit, creative writing, and thoughtful messages of devotion. You most certainly DO deserve an award!!! XOXOXOXOXO, Mom
Wow! Thanks so much! I enjoy your blog, too, and am honored that you thought of me.
I love it! And I would get the fastest 'Crash and Burn' blog award.....LOL!!
Dedicated follower and dedicated friend! I love your blog(s) and wouldn't miss keeping caught up with you and your family.
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