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10 September 2008

Random September

I took this photo of my town from downtown yesterday.

Doesn't it look like a friendly place?

This picture doesn't show the family of geese that waddled by, or the mean black squirrel (aren't all black squirrels mean?) that stood and chattered, as if on his own personal squirrel soap box.

The other photo is a self-portrait. Those are the so hip shoes that were my birthday gift.
Love those shoes. I've only worn them once, but I love them.
In a comfy hip shoesie kind of way...

Obviously, it's slow in Bloggerville...


Unknown said...

Well I am partial to Omaha:-D! Nice shot, very postcardish. I had to yield to a goose crossing Fort this morning :-O..a very gutsy goose. I didn't see him on the other side as bird kill on my home from work so I hope he found a safe place to go.

Michelle said...

Beautiful shot of the city! As for slowness in bloggerville......I wrote about hangers today! Hows that for slow?? :)