Do we see as we ought to see? Do we see the warrior witnesses around us- or are we like the servants of Elisha, purblind and incognizant of the battle raging in our midst? Do we see the Savior before us- or are we like the disciples on the way to Emmaus, obsessed and possessed by our own concerns? Do we see- or are we casting about in darkness, flailing with sightless eyes? With what encumbrances have we ballasted the Gospel of grace with our lack of vision? Surely the Kingdom of Righteousness does not lack for resources. Surely the church is not bereft of ingenuity. Surely the just have bounteous opportunities. Yea and indeed, the single and solitary need- of the hour, the day, the epoch- is vision: the vision to see, the vision to do, and more, the vision to be. Lord of the Harvest, give us we pray: great men, great women, and great families. Lord of the Harvest, give us we pray: vision- the vision of gallant greatness.
- Theodore Roosevelt
1 comment:
Wow, that's inspiring! I just may link it to my blog.
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