Last year, my sister gave me a great gift- scanned images of the slides my grandparents collected over the years...
I'm guessing this photo dates to, oh, 1970, 1971?
The boots are a great clue. :-)
I know that this photo was taken at my grandparents' house in Albuquerque. I recognize the blue carpet, and the table in the background. When cleared off, that table was great for sitting and spinning on.
I recognize our stockings hanging in the background- for my sister and me. My mom made those stockings herself, and I still have mine. Mine is red felt, with my name and little ornaments in sequins. That was a faithful stocking for many many years.
But the funniest thing about this picture is the outfit, because even if you are only a little bit acquainted with me, you will know there is nothing about this outfit that I would wear today. Not a short plaid skirt. Not shiny white boots. I don't even care for turtlenecks all that much. Certainly not a bow in my hair.
But I bet it was working for me in 1970...
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OOOOH! Such a cutie you were! And even I don't remember THAT outfit! Oh, my! Definitely not you today, but pretty cute on you THEN! And I did love that stocking! XOXOXOXO, Mom
Oh my goodness, look at cute little you!
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