The truths of the words, line after line, yes, but I know I was influenced also by the preciousness of friendships, the stories of redemption all around me. My church has old stained glass windows too (not the one in the picture- I need to take my own picture of the windows...), and about that time of morning the sun comes in at that right angle and it is a wonder.
An amazing wonder, our God of grace.
(and, for those interested in such things, some good praise music can be found at GettyMusic, but warning! music starts playing right when you arrive...)
God of grace, amazing wonder,
Irresistible and free;
Oh, the miracle of mercy
Jesus reaches down to me.
God of grace, I stand in wonder,
As my God restores my soul.
His own blood has paid my ransom;
Awesome cost to make me whole.
God of grace, who loved and knew me
Long before the world began;
Sent my Saviour down from heaven;
Perfect God and perfect man.
God of grace, I trust in Jesus;
I'm accepted as His own.
Every day His grace sustains me,
As I lean on Him alone.
God of grace, I stand astounded,
Cleansed, forgiven and secure.
All my fears are now confounded
And my hope is ever sure.
God of grace, now crowned in glory,
Where one day I'll see Your face;
And forever I'll adore You
In Your everlasting grace.
"God of Grace"
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Jonathan Rea
Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music
(photo credit to imobz's photostream at Flickr)
What a great song to start your service off with. I love the stained glass of churches. So next time take along your camera and share some shots with us.
Safe travels brown-eyed soujourner. All of your friends look forward to your return and worshipping with you soon.
I love reading your posts about my favorite songs from my favorite composers!
God of grace, now crowned in glory,
Where one day I'll see Your face;
And forever I'll adore You
In Your everlasting grace.
Thanks for sharing - B.
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