1. A Fall Activity-
Volleyball! We watch a lot of volleyball in the fall. This shot is of the JV1 team in the finals of a recent tournament. They won!

2. A Fall Treat-
Homemade Apple Cranberry pie. Yum!

3. Harvest-
Here in the "Heartland," I only have to drive a few minutes to find fields, but I had to search a bit to find an actual harvest! I was on a quest, traveling over dirt roads and through acres and acres of fields before I finally spy-ed these farmers at work.

4. Leaves-
Would you believe that this shot came from the median of the shopping mall parking lot? Doesn't it look like it should have been from a dry river bed?

5. Fall Colors-
This shot was taken in downtown O, just before sunset.

6. Something Orange-
Nobody stacks vegetables as artistically as Whole Foods...

7. Something Spooky-
HA! This photo makes me laugh! We tested this guy to see if he was going to move because of motion detection sensors or the like, and he didn't. So I asked K to put his arm over her shoulder for the picture. When she lifted his arm, he most unexpectedly began to move and talk to her! Talk about surprised!! See the lady pushing the cart? She kept walking like she didn't hear the blood-curdling scream my daughter let out...

8. A Cemetery-
I hate walking through cemeteries. I hate taking pictures of cemeteries. I would have NEVER gone to a cemetery if not for this challenge. But, I have to confess, gravestones are kind of interesting. Look at the stone- they used to put pictures on them... What photo would you choose for your final marker?

9. A Costume-
My preference would be to put this photo under "something spooky." The King creeps me out. But trying on the mask was too good a photo opportunity to pass up.

10. Black and white photo-
My girls at a birthday lunch.

11. A Critter-
Our dog, Dillon. After looking at this photo, my husband commented, "He looks sad." He probably was, because I kept making him sit, and stay, for the photo... I really did try to take a picture of the squirrels that pelt us with nuts, but they neither sit nor stay.

12. Symmetry-
Thank you Whole Foods.

13. Contrast-
Older. Younger. Big. Little. Smile. Serious. Light. Dark.

14. Texture-
A craggy tree trunk.

15. Logo-
At our favorite store...

16. Something Neon-
I took this photo at first during the day. I went back the next night. Ya gotta take a neon photo at night!

17. Something inspiring-
This is the most beginner ESL (English as a Second Language) class at our church. In this class are folks from Mexico and Guatemala and Sudan. Men and women trying their darndest to learn this very confusing language we call English. And a couple of sweet teachers, truly acting as servants and showing love in action towards them. We meet every week, and every week, I leave inspired.

18. Something Entertaining-
I took this shot while playing Life with my girls. I didn't notice until later that it had the "Entertainer" card in it, too... Bonus!

19. Something fast-
Ok, so really this photo should be titled "Something blurry," but honestly, they were too fast to get a good shot, and fast is fast, right?

20. Something Slow-
...because what says "slow" more than molasses?
Be sure to check out the other October Photo Challenge entries!
Great photos!!! Loved looking at them all..can't wait to come home from holidays to see all the entries (how sad am I? I am leaving and wishing to be back for photos Hahaha!!!)
Oh, I didn't do all the pictures, I couldn't find the website for the photochallenge...How pathetic is that. Maybe next time, eh?
Your leaves and fall colors are amazing! Your dog is so sweet looking! That's a framer. I also liked your take on something slow and contrast. Clever.
6. 7. and 8. are my favourites because of the colours and atmosphere !!!!
my pics in this link with my name :)
I love the shots that you selected! We have some historical cemetaries and I love see the old names. Hubby's family still uses photos on their headstones.
And the shot of the tree - I see a face!
And what gorgeous red leaves for a parking lot!
Oh, these are great, great shots! I've got three...er...or maybe four to go! I'm so glad you told me about this challenge. You're right. It's made me look with fresh eyes all around. Blessings - B.
Great photos. I love your logo, symmetry and texture the best.
o, I did it after all....
And, you were right; Finland.
awesome photos...enjoyed your comments on each one....lol...fun stuff!
I love your collection! Great photography. I like your perspective on the cemetery...this was fun!
Fabulous job! I have a lot of favorites.....leaves, something orange and symmetry, just to name a few.
I'm glad you played along. :)
I pretty much loved them all, Nice work! We will be seeing many of them in my favorites...coming soon!
I loved them Kristy!!! :) You did a great job!!
the king is spooky!
great shots... especially love the produce ones (maybe because I love food?)
You did a fabulous job Kristy! See...you just prove you don't need a fancy camera to get excellent pictures. My favorite is your fall color. So peaceful.
I LOVE YOUR PICS !!!! There is great humour in them !!!! My favourites are 4,5,6, and that delicoius Pie !!!! And DILLON ! My Maude The Cat sends Regards to Dillon !!!! :)
Great Shots! OK, I have to say that there was a great deal of nostalgia for me flowing through your pics....you know what I am sayin! :-) Love ya and I love your eye for life!
My favorite is the costume and the neon sign ones. Great job!
You did a wonderful job, all photos are great! But if I have to pick some favs I'd choose 6, 10 and 13.
orange and spooky were my favorites. You’re hunt results were wonderful. Here’s my hunt hope you can stop by!
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