I do love the pie!
I learned about pie from my grandma. Her apple pie is perhaps one of my favorite childhood memories. She would make cinnamon crispies or jelly turnovers with leftover crust.
Pie, hot out of the oven. Cold pie for breakfast the next morning.
My husband's grandma Lorraine, she was a terrific pie maker, too. She shared her secrets with me, which must not be SO secret because they were the same secrets my grandma shared- only Crisco in the crust, cold water, roll on a wooden board.
I love pie, almost any pie. I confess, I don't really care for banana cream, and I faked liking it for grandma Lorraine. But that's more about bananas than pie...
This Saturday afternoon, you will find me in our church kitchen, making pie with a bunch of other ladies. These ladies are blessing our socks off. They are making pies to sell, to benefit the funds we're raising to get to the mission field. Blessing pie!
So, back in Blogland, TidyMom is asking for our favorite pie recipes. There is nothing special about my apple pie (I don't even use a recipe) or my pumpkin pie (I generally use the back of the pumpkin can with a few extra spices thrown in). I love to make peach pie and strawberry rhubarb pie in the summertime. But I found a Great Thanksgiving Pie in The County Fair Cookbook, Kentucky Bourbon Pecan Pie from Jeanne Kemper of Shelbyville, Kentucky. It's rich. And it's good! Don't forget the whipped cream!
Kentucky Bourbon Pecan Pie
Makes 1 pie
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted butter
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped pecans (I use halves)
2 T. Kentucky bourbon
a 9 inch unbaked pie shell
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1. Place nuts and chocolate chips in bottom of the pie shell.
2. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and sugar. Gradually beat in the melted butter and corn syrup. Stir in the bourbon.
3. Pour the mixture over the nuts and chocolate chips in the pie shell. Bake for 40-50 minutes until the filling is somewhat set. (judging doneness is tricky business! I usually err on the side of more firm!)
For more tempting pie recipes, be sure to visit Tidy Mom!
How happy we are for you that you are surrounded by such abundant and loving blessings! Now THAT is a TRUE Thanksgiving! Blessings to the hands that prepare the food, too! XOXOXXOXO!
A day making pies! now that would be fun!!
Thanks for this recipe! it sounds AMAZING! my mom LOVE pecan pie, so we'll have to try this one!!
Thanks for linking up!
I'm enjoying seeing all the pie party recipes, great pie!
Your house must smell so good with all that baking.
Yummy! A delicious pie that would be welcome at any dinner table.
Now, I'm off to enjoy visiting other "Love the Pie" blog participants.
awesome pie, happy pie baking day!!!
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