He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11a day late, but thankful nonetheless...
29. early morning gatherings
30. the b, over easy, and the c, scrambled with sourdough toast, with coffee and ice water
31. the blessing of watching one determined to do the right thing
32. an overdue lunch with a friend, paid for with a gift
33. opportunity to minister
34. safe travel
35. teens who robustly love the Lord
36. "so calm and even tempered on the court"
37. crispy eggplant parmigiania
38. pastors who labor tirelessly
39. stained glass windows of old
40. generous hospitality to me and my family
41. homemade cinnamon rolls in the fellowship time after I had missed breakfast earlier
42. tamales
43. sabbath rest, literally, the Sunday afternoon nap
44. wrestling with questions of faith
45. a surprise shirt for a daughter, clearance price $2.97
46. the return of a familiar face, and the claps of happiness on recognition
47. the amazing range in shades of melanin- "fearfully and wonderfully made"
48. unexpected contributions, and faithful follow through of promise
49. snow crystals sparkling as they melt, drop by drop
(Crocus botanical art credit to Catherine M. Watters)
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