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05 April 2010

Multitude Monday (120 - 148)

O Christ,
All thy ways of mercy tend to and end in my delight.
Thou didst weep, sorrow, suffer that I might rejoice.
For my joy thou hast sent the Comforter,
multiplied thy promises,
shown me my future happiness,
given me a living fountain.
Thou art preparing joy for me and me for joy...
"Joy," Valley of Vision

120.  an eye exam and a new prescription
121.  excitement of girls preparing for a banquet
122.  Ethiopian food still there
123.  preciousness of questions and farewells
124.  good checkups and new toothbrushes
125.  conversation over the pew with a new friend
126.  sweet singing voices, even harmony
127.  6:30 breakfast at Lisa's
129.  perfect shot to the upper right corner- GOAL!
130.  home alone
131.  thinning out and boxing up
132.  new jeans
133.  clothes ready the night before
134.  monkey bread
135.  "He is Risen!"  "He is Risen indeed!"
136.  little girl on my lap
137.  crayon pictures on my bulletin
138.  finishing the book
139.  frisbee, hula hoops, skip sticks
140.  nap
141.  dying eggs
142.  fresh asparagus and strawberries
143.  green- grass, leaves, plants
144.  playing outside
145.  neighbors on a walk
146.  phone calls from family
147.  an arsenal of allergy medicine
148.  a month of school plans complete

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