A list of p's:

Pelicula: We saw
The Legend of the Guardian today, completely in Spanish. And understood it, mostly, which is worth a holler. The animation in this film is terrific, the details visible right down to the last feather. Keeping track of the owls is a little tricky. The story is the
best kind of animated tale, of noble animal heroes triumphing over the forces of evil, of courage and valor and honor. For my friends with young un's, warning! This is a dark and sometimes scary movie. But for those ready to handle intense battle scenes, you'll find it very worthwhile.

Pops: Me encanta
Helado Pops! This week, nieves frutas. Delicious mixed fruit ice. mmmmmm.
Pan: (say: p-ahn) (translation: bread) Our Saturday morning routine consists of shopping for the bulk of the week's produce at la feria (farmer's market), and then a stop at la panaderia (bakery). There are two bakeries, Pan Por Kilo and Musmanni, a block away from one another. We don't have a favorite, meaning we like both, a lot. Today we bought empanadas, which are croissant turnovers filled with potatoes, beef, and chicken (or pineapple, as the case may be...) to eat at lunch, a load of crusty bread to have with dinner, and a ring of apple cinnamon rolls for Sunday breakfast. Could man live by bread alone?

Pizza: My husband is the pizza king. El Rey de Pizza! Look at those pies from last week- ham and (
very fresh!) pineapple, and hamburger and tomato. He's doing it again on Sunday evening. It's no small feat to make pizza here, as cheese is premium. The mega bag of mozzarella from PriceSmart (say: Sam's Club) is worth it.

Preview: We're hosting
a visitor this month. Sneak preview here. More to follow... (He never fails to make me smile!)

Pests: Twice this week, I found
one of these guys at the bottom of the washing machine tub, AFTER going through a full wash cycle... They must live for cold water adventure!
(and wait 'til I get around to posting the video of the ants in the nearby park...)
Life in the tropics...
Flat Stanley is he? Oh and I do love the "pan", or as I learned it pane, "pah-nay". Mmmm.
Yeah, that 'pede is scary!
We were able to enjoy the presence of those beautiful millipedes at Lake Somerville a few weeks ago! Yay, Stanley El Plano looks quite happy!!!
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