A new driver's license in a new state.
I showed all the documents- the social security card, and the birth certificate, and the passport, and the vehicle registration, and the proof of insurance, and the right form filled out.
And of course, I had to turn in my old license.
Officially now, I have exchanged my residency, from one state to another.
But I am looking beyond-
beyond today.
Beyond papers.
Beyond status.
Beyond rivers.
Beyond bridges.
Beyond borders.
I am looking to that time when we'll no longer be aliens and sojourners.
When the only requirement is "I believe."
When our citizenship is in heaven.
When "He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be." (Philippians 3:21, The Message)
(photo: taken last weekend, headed east from South Padre Island, TX)

Five Minute Friday, hosted by The Gypsy Mama-
On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
We write bold and beautiful and free. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
Your words remind me of the song: "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through, My treasures are laid up, Somewhere beyond the blue,They're all expecting me, On heaven's golden shore, 'Cause I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
It's good thing to remember.
I really like your dreamy photograph here. I've tried repeatedly to capture those clouds, the ones that look like they're suspended just above your head. Very cool. :)
Jennifer- I live in south Texas, where the skies are bigger and the clouds dreamier than anywhere else I've lived. I take pictures of them constantly, and I'm never disappointed! thanks for the nice comments.
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