Tonight was the first meeting of a Spanish Bible study, a study that we are praying and planning will someday, not so long from now, lead to a new church plant in the Rio Grande Valley.
We guessed who would come, and they mostly did. However, one family that we expected to be there was not. To our surprise and delight, they confused the time and arrived just as everyone was leaving. They should be with us in the future.
What a sweet couple of hours, of laughing and learning and prayer and fellowship, likeminded in our pursuit of Christ and his kingdom. I think we're all excited and encouraged, and eager to see all that is ahead.
Please continue to pray for Pastor Gama and for Grace and the Pozos family, for those attending the study as we work through El Dios Prodigo by Tim Keller, and that more and more would join us and trust and believe in the Gospel of Christ in the weeks to come.
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