Five random thoughts:
1. 84 degrees and a breeze is perfect.
2. Spray on sunscreen is a blessing to a girl sitting at the pool by herself.
3. When in Disney World, some people do things they would never, ever, do in real life, like wear ridiculous hats and clothing.
4. When a science and engineering conference and a model search are being held at the same location, it is pretty easy to distinguish who is there for which event...
5. Sometimes two books and two magazines complete is a good two days worth of activity.
So glad you are relaxing and enjoying yourselves. All goes well here
WOW, 84 degrees!!! What is that?!? Cloudy, raining (again), temps in the 40's, where is SPRING? We are ready to plant corn (and should be), but the weather will not allow us to do our work.
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