Same age. Same last name.
Same sport. Same club.
Different teams.
L & S are playing spring soccer, and were placed on different teams. Now that's an idea that took some getting used to.
The first reaction of the twins?
S- "I can't take the ball away from L!" (yes, actually, she can, and she did...)
L- ::: puzzled look that said, "different teams?" :::
My main concern abated: they play on the same field at the same time.
The parents sitting around us must have been confused. They must have thought we were schizophrenic, cheering for green, cheering for white, cheering for the kid "L," cheering for the kid "S."
How'd they do? L scored one goal, S had a great assist. One bruised shin (even with shin guards- the victim claimed the other twin kicked THAT hard!), one pulled hamstring, two girls ready to do it again next week.
Go team(s)!
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