Seniors? Social security? Sure, the grays are coming out, but SENIOR?
A few minutes ago, a few folks, in their "Vote November 4th" t-shirts, toting Obama signs, looking quite perky and ready to sway the 'hood, parked in front of my house, stood on my freshly repaved sidewalk, looked at their sheaf of papers, looked at my door, and then... split to walk in different directions.
Don'tcha want to talk to ME? Tell ME to vote? Tell ME about change we can believe in?
But, that's ok. I already voted. We're off to seek free donuts and coffee...
I could use a donut and cup of coffee about now. We voted at 7:00 a.m. so we could get back to the fields before the weather change.
That's what Will was doing in his towns until 9 last night. Guess they read your house number wrong. They only go to undecided voters!!!! Probably would've been fun to talk to them. Actually, probably all they were doing was asking if you had voted yet. They were past the convincing you stage!
LOL......well, you are going to be a Grandma.
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