I arrived home to find that, after completing, ahem- most, of her schoolwork, my youngest went to work creating this mask.
Cool, I told her.
Why a mask?
Oh, I saw a mask in a book and I haven't made one in a while.
Good enough for me.
My mask-maker- she's one creative girl. Give that girl a box of crayons, a few pipe cleaners and a roll of tape, and watch out. (Adhesives are key. Tape and glue are coveted in this house. If I really want to keep them, I hide them from creative girl!)
On my camera there were photos of the mask being created and photos of the mask complete, but flat. It takes on much more character upright and worn properly.
There was also a photo of a shoe stepping on the mask. Hmmm... perhaps NOT a photo of domestic tranquility. Photo evidence. But that, perhaps is better left for another Wordful Wednesday.
Thanks to 7ClownCircus- be sure to visit and check out what else is Wordful this Wednesday!
Hi there, came over from Angie's WW. She is VERY creative for sure. You must be proud!!!!!
that is one cool mask. Great work.
That's very cool. I love to see creativity right before my eyes.
Thanks for your kind and encouraging comment on my post as well.
She is the Macgyver of the craft world! :)
This is the kind of thing you want your kids doing while you not home!
Wow.....creative, and a self starter. Sounds like a keeper. :)
Tape is a definite high-demand item in our household! It is amazing what they can do with it...CM is for sure the creative one here. She makes animals with paper and markers, then tapes the pieces to her or someone else's body/ies...
That's really neat. Love the creativity.
Oh, our dear S. is one wonderful, creative darling! We cherish the cards she made for us! XOXOXO G&G
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