One of the prompts this week at Mama's Losin' It's Writer's Workshop:
List your five most recent favorite things:I was hoping that I'd have a reason to write about these things, five of my most recent favorite things.

1. Tul Pens-
Not just ANY ol' Tul pen. My favorite is the
Gel Retractable Rollerball 0.5mm fine point black ink. I realize that makes me sound extremely high maintance. Generally I'm not. Except about pens. I really struggle with bad pens. These are good pens. My son wanted to take one to Latin class on Tuesday, and I had him sign a contract pledging to bring it back or, or, or... well, I never got to
what but he knew it would be bad. He brought the pen back. phew.

Moleskine journals- This is not really a
recent favorite thing. I found these over a year ago. But, I don't want to live without them. I keep this with my Bible for morning notes and thoughts and prayer. It is the perfect size. It is tough. The paper is lovely(especially with the #1 pen). They come in a pack of three, which lasts me several months and means I can have one stashed away for an emergency. I am so unabashed in my devotion to Moleskine that I give them as gifts. You need a Moleskine too. You do.
3. William Hendricksen's New Testament Commentary on Colossians-
My church recently purchased the
Hendricksen's 12 volume commentary on the New Testament. And I'm sure that the entire set is just fine, but I'm partial to the book that includes Colossians because I'm teaching a Sunday School class on Colossians right now and Hendricksen makes that work much more clear. Thank you Mr. Hendricksen!
4. Whole Foods 365 Shower Gel-
I looked all over for a picture, but alas. None.
This is good stuff. I like the lavender and the citrus the best. My girls like mint, but the shower experience reminds me of my sister's favorite ice cream. And, bonus, it's cheap. A fat 32 oz. bottle is less than $5, and a couple of pumps on your bath scrunchie thing will do ya. So a bottle lasts a while, which is important when 6 people share a shower. (well, USE the same shower, not SHARE the shower all at once...!!!)

5. Dove Rich Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds- (you did not think that I'd finish a list of my favorite things without some form of dark chocolate...!)
Oh these little things. I found them wasting time waiting for a friend at WalMart late one night.
Dark chocolate morsels of rich and crunchy goodness.
MamaKat, for the chance to tell you all about five of my most recent favorite things! Go to Mama's Losin' It
to see what others are
writing about this week!