TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:
Grab your current read.
Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!
I have, hmmm?, four? books going right now?
I'm going to share "teasers" from the two that will take the longest to complete.
In the evenings after dinner as a read-aloud with my family, we are reading Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome. It was a gift from a friend- and we are loving it. It is a great read-aloud for a family! A tease...
"Roger and I pulled her right up," said Titty. "She couldn't have drifted off."
"Spread out again," said Captain John. "Then listen. Advance as soon as the mate blows her whistle. A hoot like an owl means all right. Three hoots means something's up. Blow as soon as you're ready, Mister Mate." p. 111

"Prince Andrei held her hand, looked into her eyes, and did not find the former love for her in his soul. Something suddenly turned over in his soul; the former poetic and mysterious delight of desire was not there, but there was pity for her woman's and child's weakness, there was fear before her devotion and trust, a heavy but at the same time joyful consciousness of duty that bound him to her forever..." p. 479
What are you reading?
Reading aloud as a family sounds like such a wonderful idea! More people should do that. Great teasers!
OMG!!! Swallows and Amazons and the the whole series = pretty much one of all-time favorites from childhood and forever. Hardly anyone reads them or knows of them anymore!!!
Ooops. I guess I should actually read the rest of your post before commenting, but I was soooo excited.
Sounds like those Amazons are at it again!
And see. S&W are favorites of others, too! That makes me happy.
Hmm - Swallows and Amazons sounds like quite the adventure! I loved reading as a family when I was little - the ultimate in quality time! Well - that and playing games as a family. :)
Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi
I've always wanted to be a person who would read War and Peace. :)
I commend you on your War & Peace effort. I read Anna Karenina last month and enjoyed it. I am afraid War & Peace will have to wait - only so much Tolstoy I can handle. I found out that his work (or at least Anna Karenina - I assume the others would have been as well) was published serially - in installments - in the paper/magazines of the day. So people would get sections at a time and have to wait so I think reading his work now in that same way would be neat. I wish they would tell you somewhere which parts were released in which chunks.
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