After worship in St. Louis yesterday, we drove. And drove. And drove. Through a torrential rainstorm, through heavier rain than we have EVER experienced. Through the greening grass of Kentucky. (and they call it the BLUEgrass state. Hmph! :-) ) Into the budding trees of Tennessee. And right on down into the massive highways of Atlanta.
We're thankful for His provision, for safety, and for a very nice hotel room.
Blessings to you this week!
I didn't realize you were going to Mexico through the PCA. Cool! My husband and I are also presbyterians and the ministry we're headed to join is part of MNA (Mission to North America) with the PCA as well. We're going to be doing SPLICE training sometime in the (hopefully near) future instead of the MTW training. We also did a recent cross-cultural missions training in Mexico with Emmaus Road Int'l (not connected with the PCA). I'm interested to hear how MTW's training goes for you guys! What are you planning to be doing when you get to the field?
You two are traveling a lot lately. Enjoy your time together and safe travels.
Have a wonderful time on your trip! I can't wait to hear more details.
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