2. The scene outside my window does not reflect an idyllic first day of spring scene. It is a blustery and the sky is gray. The trees remain bare. However, I see lilies poking their first spears of green out of the dirt, and with optimism, I am watching the buds on the lilac bush. That is the hope of spring.
3. We are home tonight. Every single member of our family. No practices. No meetings. No place to be- for the first time in a LONG time- maybe three weeks? This is good. Very good!
4. So what will we be doing? Watching basketball, of course. The entire family has filled out their picks and are waiting for the inevitable bracket busting upsets.
5. Spring sports season is in session at our house. Outdoor baseball and soccer practices started this week. That means it should snow again sometime in the next week or so... :-)
6. Daughter K has finished her research paper on the sources and effects of water pollution in the US. I am now affectionately referring to her as "My little GreenieWeenie."
7. My girls are becoming outstanding bakers. Fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies yesterday. Homemade pretzels today. This is a very positive (& tasty) development! I am blessed.
Others have Seven Quick Takes, too. Check them out at Conversion Diary.
I don't follow basketball at all, but it sounds like a fun family night. Enjoy!
My 7 Quick Takes post today is a random collection of thoughts as I'm just returning from a blogcation. Have a great weekend! :)
#3: Those are the best kind of evenings, aren't they? :)
I miss my oven (yes it is still broken). Can you have the girls send some baked goodies my way. :) Hey, maybe they should sell some cookies with their lemonade.
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