Confession- upon first glance of that murky pond, my immediate thought was "maybe it is broken, irreparably broken, and we can get a new dishwasher." I didn't REALLY want that. Well, maybe I want the new dishwasher, but I really do not want the bill.
So, we did what any reasonable family would do when confronted with a non-working dishwasher in the middle of the day...
We shut the door tight and waited for dad to get home.
He takes off his dress shirt, opens the door, gets down on the floor, pulls out the tray, and sticks his hand in the water. EWWW. Our hero! He gets out the shop vac and sucks up the water and starts unscrewing and disassembling various plastic pieces.
I start Googling.
Google. What an amazing thing! I type in "dishwasher won't drain" and go here. Dear handyman husband actually heeds my googly advice and checks the drain line, which happens to be very clogged. He clears the line. Reassembles parts. Tries the dishwasher. Miracle upon miracles, it works!!!
Thinking what a great opportunity, I google "clean dishwasher inside" and go here. One cycle of 1 cup of baking soda and 1 1/2 cups of white vinegar later, the dishwasher is sparkly and no longer stinks.
Google rules. But dear handyman husband is a close second.
that is impressive:) Reminds me of when our light over the table wouldn't turn on, so we bought a new one, got it put in and went to turn it on. It was the switch not the light:)
Boy, aren't we thankful for those handyman husbands who can tackle anything broken!!
I'm impressed that you, Google, and husband got it all working again. Good job! :)
I adore Google! I mean a.d.o.r.e.!! Growing up, I was the kid in the reference section of the library looking over all the books there. Now, it everything is at your fingertips - I use it all day long. I am so glad that I live in the time when I can do that. And good for you to find what you were looking for there too!
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