It's really rather silly that Friday holds any significance for me as the end of the work week, as my work week never really ends. Nonetheless, I do like getting to Friday. I think part of it is anticipation for work and taking care of tasks on Saturday, in anticipation for worship and rest on Sunday.
Some miscellaneous thoughts on this Friday-
Some miscellaneous thoughts on this Friday-
(that's a photo of my oldest and a fellow cook-er, creating a pan of ziti on Wednesday night)
2) Last night our church held a Maundy Thursday service. That service leads us to ponder and meditate on the events of that last day before Jesus' arrest. It reminds us of the humility of a King who would wash his disciples feet. It reminds us the significance of the Lord's Supper, of His body broken, of His blood shed. "You come to the table because you know your hope comes only through His body and through His blood... this is a table for sinners," our pastor reminded us. It reminds us, that like Judas and Peter and the others, we deny Christ, betray Him, daily, and yet, the forgiveness and hope remains. From 1Peter 2:24-25- "and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed."
2) Last night our church held a Maundy Thursday service. That service leads us to ponder and meditate on the events of that last day before Jesus' arrest. It reminds us of the humility of a King who would wash his disciples feet. It reminds us the significance of the Lord's Supper, of His body broken, of His blood shed. "You come to the table because you know your hope comes only through His body and through His blood... this is a table for sinners," our pastor reminded us. It reminds us, that like Judas and Peter and the others, we deny Christ, betray Him, daily, and yet, the forgiveness and hope remains. From 1Peter 2:24-25- "and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed."

3)I love Robin Eggs. I love the crunchy outside. I love the milk chocolate underneath. I love the malty core inside. I love that WalMart sells a bag for $1.77...
4) I was blessed by my friends this week. I have friends that challenge me, to consider old ideas in new ways, to dig deep. I have friends that I would serve with any where in the world. I have friends that love me and my family beyond measure. And I have friends that I laugh with, that cause me to smile, just thinking about time we spend together. When I read the account of the ladies going to visit Jesus' tomb on that first Resurrection morning, taking spices to anoint Him, not knowing how on earth they would roll away the stone but knowing it needed to be done, I am reminded of my friends. They are those kind of ladies. When I think about moving, absolutely the most difficult idea is leaving behind the day to day treasure of being with these ladies.
5) And I have friends with terrific and eclectic musical taste (and ability!). One example is my dear buddy, the blog-ista over at Running the Race, who just updated her sidebar with some new selections. Her blog is pretty much the only exception to my rule of "no music when I click onto a blog." Not to mention, she consistently puts up good and thoughtful stuff, so go visit and wave and say hi and that you "wandered" over. (snort!)
Those are the thoughts that I've come up with this morning, between teaching and driving and cooking and folding clothes and shaking my head at the clutter around our home.
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