What does it take to get you to grab the mic and sing in a karaoke room? It would take aliens completely taking over my mind and body. I cannot imagine everEVER "grabbing the mike" (doesn't "grab" imply enthusiasm?) and singing (doesn't "sing" imply ability?) karaoke. I'd rather rip off my fingernails. One. At. A. Time.
That said, I did sing karaoke one time in a soundproof booth at the Boston Children's Museum, and I loved it! Give me a mic in the privacy of my shower, and it's a totally different story!
What does it take to get you to give up a whole Saturday to hang out with people you don’t like? Hmmm... there's not many people I don't like, and I rarely have a Saturday to myself anyway... If there's a worthwhile purpose, I'd probably be there.
What would it take for me to give up a Saturday to have an entire day by myself? about 5 seconds to grab my book and keys and say "see you later!"
What does it take to get you out of bed without your hitting the snooze button? Knowing I'm on a timeline. If it's time to get up, I'm up.
(but in truth, I factor snooze into waking up)
I received a new alarm clock-I Pod dock-radio for my birthday. The snooze on that machine? DARN annoying. The volume gets louder if you don't turn it off. Every morning Roger Olson gets louder and louder and pretty soon he's shouting the agri-business report at me.
Now that I think about it, THAT is what it takes to get me out of bed without hitting the snooze button...
What does it take to get you to take someone else’s turn at a really unpleasant task at work or home? Compassion? Necessity? Frustration?
What does it take to get you to eat something you really dislike? Hospitality- only to be polite as a guest. If I'm on my own, no way!
I'm glad that there's not much I really dislike to eat...
(photo credit to ficus on Flickr)
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