A bloggy place to think out loud. "Here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." (Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, v. 3)
31 October 2009
30 October 2009
October Photo Challenge

1. A Fall Activity-
Volleyball! We watch a lot of volleyball in the fall. This shot is of the JV1 team in the finals of a recent tournament. They won!

2. A Fall Treat-
Homemade Apple Cranberry pie. Yum!

3. Harvest-
Here in the "Heartland," I only have to drive a few minutes to find fields, but I had to search a bit to find an actual harvest! I was on a quest, traveling over dirt roads and through acres and acres of fields before I finally spy-ed these farmers at work.

4. Leaves-
Would you believe that this shot came from the median of the shopping mall parking lot? Doesn't it look like it should have been from a dry river bed?

5. Fall Colors-
This shot was taken in downtown O, just before sunset.

6. Something Orange-
Nobody stacks vegetables as artistically as Whole Foods...

7. Something Spooky-
HA! This photo makes me laugh! We tested this guy to see if he was going to move because of motion detection sensors or the like, and he didn't. So I asked K to put his arm over her shoulder for the picture. When she lifted his arm, he most unexpectedly began to move and talk to her! Talk about surprised!! See the lady pushing the cart? She kept walking like she didn't hear the blood-curdling scream my daughter let out...

8. A Cemetery-
I hate walking through cemeteries. I hate taking pictures of cemeteries. I would have NEVER gone to a cemetery if not for this challenge. But, I have to confess, gravestones are kind of interesting. Look at the stone- they used to put pictures on them... What photo would you choose for your final marker?

9. A Costume-
My preference would be to put this photo under "something spooky." The King creeps me out. But trying on the mask was too good a photo opportunity to pass up.

10. Black and white photo-
My girls at a birthday lunch.

11. A Critter-
Our dog, Dillon. After looking at this photo, my husband commented, "He looks sad." He probably was, because I kept making him sit, and stay, for the photo... I really did try to take a picture of the squirrels that pelt us with nuts, but they neither sit nor stay.

12. Symmetry-
Thank you Whole Foods.

13. Contrast-
Older. Younger. Big. Little. Smile. Serious. Light. Dark.

14. Texture-
A craggy tree trunk.

15. Logo-
At our favorite store...

16. Something Neon-
I took this photo at first during the day. I went back the next night. Ya gotta take a neon photo at night!

17. Something inspiring-
This is the most beginner ESL (English as a Second Language) class at our church. In this class are folks from Mexico and Guatemala and Sudan. Men and women trying their darndest to learn this very confusing language we call English. And a couple of sweet teachers, truly acting as servants and showing love in action towards them. We meet every week, and every week, I leave inspired.

18. Something Entertaining-
I took this shot while playing Life with my girls. I didn't notice until later that it had the "Entertainer" card in it, too... Bonus!

19. Something fast-
Ok, so really this photo should be titled "Something blurry," but honestly, they were too fast to get a good shot, and fast is fast, right?

20. Something Slow-
...because what says "slow" more than molasses?
Be sure to check out the other October Photo Challenge entries!
29 October 2009
Kabul 24

Kabul 24 begins in the weeks prior to 9/11, and continues through the first days of the US/Afghan war. It is in that highly charged setting we gain appreciation for the extreme oppression common under Taliban rule. Human rights abuses are frequent. Prison conditions are inhumane. As a reader, I struggled with the hostages to examine where would my strength lie under such conditions. To read of the hostages abiding faith in God, as they were composing songs of praise, continuing in study, and constant in prayer, was an encouragement to me.
My primary frustration with the book was that it seemed mis-titled. There were indeed 24 hostages, 8 Westerners and 16 Afghans, but the story focuses primarily on the 8 that were imprisoned separately from the Afghan 16. I wanted to know more about the story of the 16. The book also refers to a Taliban informant, the “Afghan angel,” crucial to rescue of the westerners, and I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know more about how their story ended as well.
Overall, I would recommend this book to others, particularly to those with an interest in non-fiction and those desiring to learn more about conditions under Taliban rule, an increasingly relevant topic in world events today.
26 October 2009
Taking risks

Andree Seu and risk taking. Read the entire article here.
25 October 2009
"Woman, why are you weeping?"

We are likely to seek and find, when we seek with affection, and seek in tears.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible
(art credit: Noli Me Tangere, Armand Bertrand, inspired by Fra. Angelico)
22 October 2009
3 Things Thursday
But oh my, it is a blustery morning! The rain comes down, rather sideways, almost horizontal at times, due to the wind. Leaves cover the streets, falling perilously from branches that cannot hold onto those little sheets of color one moment longer. Gutters run rapidly, and the constant dripping outside plays metronome on the roof. Reminds me of lyrics of songs from days past...
Feels that it will undoubteadly

21 October 2009
the steadfast love...
for the conclusion of Andree Seu's columns on Psalm 103 (v. 16-22)-
verse 16
verse 17
verse 18
verse 19
verse 20
verse 21
verse 22
19 October 2009
Matthew Henry, Concise Commentary on the Bible, on 2 Chronicles

do I get email that tells me "Ine#xpensi_ve Medicationss are on Sale"?
has the political party that I am not registered for called me 7 times in one week?
was the sweet looking older couple I saw today walking their dog in a stroller (no kidding- the DOG was IN the stroller...)?
do people recreate cemetaries in their front yard this time of year?
is my dog obsessed with the mailman?
do four girls have to be in three places in one night?
am I compelled to take candy corn from the pumpkin jar every time I walk by?
did the parents think this was a good idea?
why?13 October 2009

Tuesday Tribute- My Guy

He fixes my computer. And he forgives me when I've messed it up so bad that he can't.
He makes me a latte every morning.
He plays the guitar so I can sing along. (ahem, well, neither of us are very good, but we like it anyway...)
He is still trying to beat me at Bejeweled. (I ruled Tetris too, back in the day, and he once hacked into the game to change the high score so it LOOKED like he beat me... He confessed quickly.)
He leads a fast tempo swing dance that makes me spin.
He encourages me, and reminds me when is too much.
He loves our family wholeheartedly.
He still asks me out on a date, and meets me at the front door with the car at the curb.
He makes me laugh like no one else.
We've been married 19 years today.
I love him more now than then.
And that's a sweet sweet thing.
Happy anniversary buddy.
For more Tuesday Tributes, visit Mayhem and Moxie-

12 October 2009
As far as from east to west...
11 October 2009
Everyday, ordinary life
I have called it schizophrenia, but then I looked up the definition of that condition, and really, that's not it at all.
I think it's closer to multiple personality disorder.
Everyday ordinary life.
I live in a unique place.
I have the privilege of interacting with a whole wide range of folks.
Different folks.
Different jobs and levels of education.
Different backgrounds and origins.
Different languages and cultures.
Different socioeconomic statuses.
Different from me and different from each other.
Last week on Monday night, I gathered with men and women and children from ten nations, men and women and children representing half a dozen languages and the entire spectrum of melanin. I spoke English and Spanish and really-slow-English-with-really-big-hand-motions.
On Tuesday night, I gathered with three sweet friends and we ate dessert and talked about family and church and cooking and life.
On Wednesday afternoon, I helped to prepare and then serve dinner to a group that included residents of the homeless shelter, neighborhood characters, families and singles. Young and old. I laughed over crazy name confusion. I was exhausted.
On Thursday morning I sat in a car with a friend who blessed me by just saying, "Let's pray."
On Friday, I spent the morning with an enthusiastic group of women who gathered to make pie, eventually to sell pie, for my family's support raising efforts. I made pie, and perhaps ate a bit of "humble pie." On Saturday morning, my dog ate apple pie. (grrrr!)
On Saturday, I cheered on homeschool volleyball teams, high school and junior high, sitting with like-minded parents, thankful for this season of life.
Our days are school and sports and ministry and faith. Our moments are laughing and stories and tears and prayers. Our hope is in the Lord alone.
Everyday, ordinary life.
Everyday, ordinary events

Keeping a blog enables me to capture and share the moments that matter most to me. As I reflect lately, I'm realizing more and more that it's these tiny moments that have shaped me into who I am today....Blogs give us a way to celebrate the everyday, ordinary events that are so important to us. Years from now, we will be able to go back and click through some of our most cherished memories - a simple gesture from a friend or the time we finished that project that seemed never ending - and we will smile.
(the snails and mushrooms artwork is from B, too! She's a gem. )
06 October 2009
My hands
05 October 2009
04 October 2009

nap (if you are over 40).
football or whiffle ball. (if you are a boy under age 40)
movie in the basement, most likely Jane Austen. (if you are a girl under age 40)
Spanish Bible study.
But, if you arrive at the H house at 8pm on Sunday night, you will almost always find us in the same place.
In the basement.
With our food and Iron Chef America.
(note: family favorites divided between Masaharu Morimoto, Cat Cora and Michael Symon... And we all adore Alton and The Chairman.)
It is ritual.
EXCEPT if you come over at 8pm for the next 10 weeks.
Then it will be Next Iron Chef.
Three lady chefs. You can imagine how the cheering goes in our house. Already, unanimously, these judges vote Chef Appleton out of Kitchen Stadium. We'll see if Jeffery agrees...
Stay tuned...
from hindrances to the pursuit of the narrow way.
01 October 2009
Photo Hunt Challenge

2. A Fall Treat
3. A Harvest
4. Leaves
5. Fall Colors
6. Something Orange
7. Something Spooky
8. A Cemetery
9. A Costume
10. A Black & White Photo
11. A Critter
12. Symmetry
13. Contrast
14. Texture
15. A Logo/ Mascot
16. Something Neon
17. Something Inspiring
18. Something Entertaining
19. Something Fast
20. Something Slow