2. Snuggled, five girls on a bed last night, we watched two men, Man v. Food and Man v. Wild. Both gross us out, in entirely different ways. Humans are really a wacky folk, no?
A bloggy place to think out loud. "Here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above." (Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, v. 3)
Ok! I watched a Man Vs wild clip. Gross. Giving himself enenema (spelling?) Reminds me of Survivor Man, ever watch that?
I thought resorting to actually eating fish soup as a kid was pretty brave....little did I know.
I KNOW!!! That's one of the ones we watched last night! YIKES! Did you see him chomping on the trigger fish eyeballs, because they are a "source of water"? No thanks!
pal! how did your blog get deleted from my googlereader?! i'm playing "catch up" for the past 7 months...but i have to say: bear griggs? we digs! this past summer he led annabelle to eat legs of a spider and try some prairie grass. :)
WARNING! 7 mos of wandering might not be worth it! :-) AB rocks! Just no fish, ok?
love you guys!
she's not a fan of fish, raw or cooked. but i think she'd prefer that to lettuce any ole day.
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