I grew up in Albuquerque.
In Albuquerque, you don't really think about the weather. It just is. It is usually nice. And if it's not, it will be soon.
And then I married someone from the Midwest. My in-laws talked about the weather all the time. I did not understand their obsession. We lived by the water and in beautiful places with moderate conditions. Weather was still basically a non-event. In Hawaii, you wake up expecting sunshine, and if it is not sunny, you are surprised. In the Puget Sound region, for at least a good part of the year, you wake up expecting clouds, and if there are none, you are suprised. But weather was rarely an event.
Until we moved to Omaha.
Weather is most decidedly an event in Omaha. In the spring, severe storms bring wind sheers and sudden torrential rainfall and tornado watches and warnings. In the summer, heat and humidity create that still air that completely stifles. With fall arrives that lovely but ever so brief lull until winter. And then, there is winter.
This winter, we have experienced two blizzards, record-breaking low temperatures, a solid week of fog, and then, today, ice. I was to meet a friend for breakfast early this morning. I slipped off my front steps and then proceeded to slide over the glazed sidewalks to my driveway. Once at the foot of the driveway, I considered how would I could possibly make it up that tiny but VERY steep incline into the car. There was nothing to hold on to. There was nothing to grip. The audience watching the hidden camera of my life was surely laughing at my baby steps, my inability to move forward, to even stay upright. Thankfully, there was yet a border of snowpack that provided cold, but solid, footing. Once in the car, I dare not get back out to scrape the ice off the windows. I slid the car down the driveway, popped it into four-wheel-drive, turned on the defrost, and got out to scrape, while fervently hoping the emergency brake would hold and the car would not start sliding backwards while I chipped away at the windshield.
Walking outside my house this morning, you can audibly hear the ice on the trees and wires, creaking and cracking. I wonder how long branches, heavy with ice, already stressed by earlier snows, will hold before snapping under the added weight of their glossy coatings. I wonder how much longer the creaking and cracking of my soul will hold before the thaw and promise of spring arrives.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 That is the promise that keeps my footing sure even on icy ground.
For more Wordful Wednesday, be sure to visit Seven Clown Circus!
I'm glad you made it there and back safely....except for the slip. Weather like that SCARES me, but OH is it beautiful seen from behind a window in a warm room or throw a picture like you took for us. Isn't it funny how when you live in a moderate climate you don't pay much attention to the weather at all except to grab an umbrella if it is actually raining?
I'm not a fan of ice storms but I love the way it looks on the trees!
Wierd, because our driveway was only wet. No ice on the car parked there either! I drove here to school uneventfully, thankfully.
Ohmygoodness! Yikes, I do NOT want that coming our way. There is talk of some freezing rain though. Pretty pics!
Stay safe! No -one ventured outside here. But, as many say, it is a beautiful sight, and I was tempted to go out and photograph.
Beautifully written, friend. It spoke to my soul... warm here now in NC. Short sleeve weather again! Kinda wish we were going to have just a tad longer of winter, but looks like Spring is chomping at the bit.It'll be sliding over the Mississippi your way before you know it! Be warm - inside and out! B.
You are living in a place with real weather. That picture is fabulous.
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