We decided to have a party.
What a party indeed.
I didn't take a single photo, but scenes of the gathering are indelibly printed on my memory...
One by one and couple by couple and group by group, people we know and love came through our doors.
It was the very best kind of party to have.
Our neighbors came.
My kids have run through their yards, and have ridden across their sidewalks, and have sold cookies and candy and raffle tickets and such to these people, for 6 years now. They were the customers at the lemonade stands. My kids have mowed their lawns and shoveled their sidewalks and house-sat their dogs. We knew them by their dogs, as Gus and Alice and Duke and Teddy's people, before we knew their names. We have watched their kids and
grandkids grow, and they have watched ours. We have wonderful neighbors.
Our sports friends came.
My kids have played with their kids, season after season. Through wins and losses. Through the heat of summer and the cold of fall and the rain and wind of spring. In gyms and on fields all over town, and all over the state, and all over the region. We've driven together and ate together. We've cheered together, and we've groaned together. We've gone through those hard years, when it didn't look much like a sport. And we've made it to these recent years, when skills develop, and we see improvement game by game, and they really start to know what's going on. We like those kids a lot. We like those parents a lot too.
My husband's co-workers came.
The folks he sees everyday, those that for many years spent more daylight time with him than his family did. Those guys that answer the phone when I call; the ones I hope I'm not bothering. It was fun to put names with faces, and show them a glimpse of what that guy does when he's not at work. I think that they must have wondered what they were walking into when they entered our busy house!
My ESL staff and students came.
Bernard from Haiti, with new haircut and in spiffy clothes.
Andina from Nepal, who took a break from studying for medical school exams.
Armando and Benjamin from Mexico, who brought their guitar and accordion and played for us, both in Spanish and a set of the Beatles in English.
My life is exceedingly more rich because of
knowing those folks!
Kids came.
Babes in arm and car seats and strollers.
Toddlers who peered in wonder at my little dog.
The school-aged kids that were in and out, and in and out, and probably ate much more candy and cake than their moms had a clue about.
The "big boys" who played football in the yard.
The teenage girls who gathered on the porch.
Our friends came.
Those that we have served alongside, and worshipped with, and fellowshiped with, week after week, and month after month, and year after year. Those that know us, and laugh with us, and pray for us, and love us so very well. Those who are really family to us. Those who know my kids and who my kids know. They kept coming, and we were excited to see every one, right down to the last couple to wander in when we didn't think one more person would arrive.
And these folks brought smiles and greetings and food and even gifts! Candy for me and the kids. A gift card to Subway! (Could there be a more thoughtful gift for a family in the midst of moving?) International mementos. Cards and notes. Completely unexpected and very much appreciated.
We decided to have a party.
What a party indeed.
We are blessed.