200. chairs side by side, cheers that make no sense
201. hustle
202. little boys playing ball203. sisters cheering for their brother
204. confession
205. forgiveness
206. reconciliation
207. silly text messages
208. cooking together
209. 106 pitches and a home run
210. "We have an offer."
211. Rejoicing with those that rejoice, and
212. weeping with those that weep.
213. fresh paint
215. the choir singing Fairest Lord Jesus
216. knowing these young men and ladies
217. getting to the ball first
218. playing hard
219. the vivid greens of spring220. $1 large unsweet ice tea
221. dinner with friends
222. kids who love to have their picture taken
223. Pinky swinging, "more! more!"
224. the magic of helium balloons225. birthday cake and ice cream
226. celebrations!
227. being welcomed
228. vision for the future becoming more clear

230. spring rain
231. knowing where everything in the kitchen should be
232. "let me tell you about my day..."
233. "Good gravy!"
234. sunset after the thunderstorm, wisps of pink and orange and lavender clouds streak across the sky
235. "They are always welcome with us."
236. when they notice you are not there, and call, and leave a message, and text237. a husband that can fix it, no matter what it is
238. at all times pray, and do not lose heart... Luke 18:1(photo credit- me, but for the record, not one of those kids are mine!)
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