But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21
and so, in one sense, it was easy to have a yard sale. I'm tired of storing up- that attic has been much too full! It was easy to go through my house and purge. It was easy to set it all out on tables in a driveway and let others have at it. (uh, well, easy to set out except for this that somehow got into the pile. No sir, not that, not yet...) I'm more than ready to travel light, well, lighter. (does a family of 7 ever travel light?)
but in other ways, having a yard sale is oh-so-hard. All that STUFF, spread over my house- that makes me GRUMPY! That we ever accumulated so much stuff- that makes me grumpy. That I'm asking people to buy my stuff- that makes me grumpy. And that people ask for a fraction of the pittance price- that makes me grumpy too. 

confession- by the end of the day Saturday, I was grumpy.
confession- I am sure my family would tell you I was grumpy long before that.
But back to the good news...
less moth and rust.
faithful Lord.
hard working family
dear friends.
money for travel while we are sojourning this summer.
(and my radio remains in my possession.)
where my treasure is, there my heart will also be.
you traveling to raise support or heading south for good?!
too complicated for here.
I'll tap you out a note in a little while... :-)
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