We've a full syllabus in front of us. Our humanities (Bible, history, geography, language arts and reading) focus for the year ahead is a one-year survey of world history- it will be a fast and furious pace. Both the olders and the youngers will start in ancient Egypt and move forward to modern times. Our science focus is the Human Anatomy and Physiology, fine-tuned at different levels for our different levels of students. Math continues along the same path for everyone. Throw in some Spanish, logic, and keyboarding. Latin for the oldest. Music comes with piano and choir.
I'm excited! Last time we did this year-long survey I whipped T. in Trivial Pursuit at the end of the school year- honestly. Questions I surprised even myself that I knew the answers to!
We did start the discipline of getting back to school two weeks ago, but the new year starts in earnest in the week ahead. Check back for a Back to School class photo next week!
"When I have money, I buy books; if there is anything left, I buy food and clothes." Best part of the school year--getting that box of books. Better than Christmas!
Oh, the joy of books! T. Jefferson to J. Adams, "I cannot live without books!" Your Sonlight curriculum has always impressed me, as has the amount of learning that takes place at the Holliday Academy. Now, I still want to push for Hugh O'Brien, Girls' and Boys' State, Yearbook, and Student Senate for Home Schoolers, but you are doing a fantastic job. Are they allowed to take extended field trips in RV's with retired scholars? Love!
and another favorite book quote:
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." Thank you, Groucho Marx. :-)
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