What a great week we spent in Laredo!
We went to help continue construction on the new La Vid sanctuary, right now standing as mostly a brick shell. We helped to frame bathrooms, storage areas and a sound area inside the building, and to paint the exterior. It was hot and dirty work, but only in God's economy can such work be so rewarding.
In the evenings, we spent time with the members of La Vid, delivering Bible study invitations in member's neighborhoods, and then joining small group Bible studies. Each evening we were whole-heartedly welcomed- and always enjoyed a hearty late evening "snack" of Mexican foods, a second dinner for most of us.
Most of the adults of La Vid understand English well, but speak Spanish. Most of the young adults and youth are bilingual, speaking Spanish in the home, but English with one another. Being with La Vid was a great opportunity to use Spanish, with occassional English words slipped in when our vocabulary failed us.
The sweetest part of the week for me was being able to meet and pray with a group of prayer warrior ladies from La Vid. This faithful group meets at the church every morning from 8-8:30, reading through a chapter of Scripture, praying, and praising God. Sweet, sweet times, to be able to pray for, and be prayed for, each morning. What a comfort and encouragement, to know these hermanas are praying over the same things we ladies pray for at home, their families, their church, expanding the Kingdom.
La Vid comes from a Pentecostal background, and their worship is passionate. I loved the words of Pastor Carlos, that the church should strive to have the mind of the Presbyterians, but the heart of the Pentecostals. :-)
It was exciting to serve along side T and k. and j.! The post just below shows shots of each of us at work. There is also a photo of j. with two of his Laredo buddies.
Gloria a Dios!
Hi there! And welcome to the blogging world. You are so articulate. I love reading this. I've linked yours to mine so I can visit easily and often. Great party last night. Thanks for opening your lovely home.
I am so in awe of your tremendous generosity and your gift of helping others in need. You are a wonderful inspiration! I enjoy reading your blog!
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