This story causes me to sigh, deeply. Is there contradiciton in rejoicing at the release of these servants, and yet, grieving at the terms of their release?
Theologian Oswald Chambers said, "There is no conceivable situation in which it is not safe to trust God." If found in a similar position, do not negotiate with terrorists for me. Plead to the Lord. Cry out to Him for mercy. But, I ask you, do not give in to terrorist demands. Do not legitimize that evil in any way. Trust God.
I KNOW that the work of the Gospel will go forward, despite the limits that those against it try to place. I believe that messengers of the Good News must go forward, in obedience to His command. See Acts 1:8- "you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samari, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Now, in addition to the prayers for the safe release of the South Koreans (remember- not all have yet been released), and for the families of those mourning the loss of their loved ones already killed, we need to pray that Christians worldwide would be bold in both witness and obedience, going forth in a world that yet needs to hear.
Amen. You have said it well.
But, then again, I would just as soon you don't travel there right away... I guess I would need to try to do SOMETHING! You know... it's that parent and child thing!
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