2. And so did this one, and this quote from it: "We must be willing to be broken ourselves into prismatic shards by the Master Artist, God, so that Christ’s light can be refracted in us."
3. One more- This quote from this article: In his acceptance speech, Bishop Rucyahana made one statement I will never forget. Christians tend to say "I accepted Christ as my Savior." But Bishop John reversed that. He said, "Christ graciously accepted me and has called me to a mission." (And all God's people said, "Amen!")
4. My family is in the process of becoming missionaries with MTW and BEAMM. We've finished the extensive application process, and the next big task is to raise the financial and prayer support required to move to the field. It's all a big step of faith, but it's incredibly rewarding to see His hand at work in our lives, confirming, encouraging and exhorting us along the way. "For I know the plans I have for you...," He promises.
5. Megan at HalfPintHouse asks, "what's your Meyers-Briggs personality?" When I recently took the test, I came out ISFJ- strong I, strong J. My middle two letters are borderline. I haven't received a good answer yet- does that mean that I am either S or N, either F or T, or neither...? Want to try it?
6. On Saturday, five different members of my family are to be in four differnt places at 11:00. I'm thankful for friends!
7. Did anyone else notice the sky last night? That bright star just above the crescent moon was Venus. And look! There's more celestial excitement to come...
See what other quick takes are out there this Friday at Conversion Diary.
I DID notice the crescent moon and Venus last night! ON the way home from book club... it was absolutely beautiful (here in Ft. Worth).
a borderline result often means that you're either a) conflicted on the point or b) think you ought to be more the other than you are and so don't test well on that axis and very occasionally c) that you've matured enough that you're addressing some of the weaknesses inherent in your type and so the way that they phrase the test questions throws you.
The S/N axis is a measure basically of how much data/evidence you like before you're comfortable deciding that something is so. It's also related to big picture thinking v. detail. How proven does something need to be, or do you go with your gut feeling. N's tend to be much more drawn to the mystical and fantastical. S's are much more grounded. The T/F one may not matter to you so much if you're a true S, but it causes a major split with N's. The best thing I can suggest is read the various typing descriptions and see which resonate with you and attract you.
For the record, I'm very INTJ.
I did that test a few years ago, when I was pregnant with Jm, and forgot what I was...
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