I learned today, thanks to Megan at HalfPintHouse via Jamie at OhBeCareful! that it is "National Delurking Week" (who decides and declares that, anyway?). Could I convince those of you who are reading Prone to Wander to send a bloggy hello and tell me who you are?
Pretty please?
According to my StatCounter stats, typically 40-80 people a day look at PTW. You readers are looking at PTW from computers all over the United States, 27 states yesterday! And even England and Canada and Japan. Japan?! We're friends, right? Check in with a comment and say hi, to me and to each other. Tell us where you live. How did you find PTW?
We'll be nice, I promise. Gentle. Welcoming. Not too boisterous, but awfully glad you came.
I'll be blessed!
"See" you soon.
Aloha! I can't remember how I found you, but I'm glad I did. :-)
Here's your NC reader! I check from 2 computers. I'm assuming de-lurking means acknowledging (?) our presence, so I'm sounding off!
I hate to tell you this but that is me checking in 80 times a day from locations all around the world. :)
I hope your visitors stop and say hi.
:::waving::: Connecticut checking in here! I read every post that you do, though am a silent reader. I'll try to change that! You do a terrific job.
I could say I check PTW from Norway, but that wouldn't be right, would it...hehe Well, you know who I am, so..
Hi! Checking in from Fairfax, VA. Thanks for telling me about PTW in your Christmas letter.
I'm here too! Found you when I tried to steal your name last year. *grin*
LOL, I saw the title of your post and had that song in my head in less than a millisecond. Which is, you know, a pretty short amount of time.
Anyway -- howdy. :)
Here's Kerrville, Texas checking in! And, we even read your blog in Greece and Turkey! Love you!
The Happy Wanderers (aka Mom and Pops)
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