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28 January 2009

Wordful Wednesday- Soccer

My k took this picture of the indoor soccer field last week.


I played through middle school and high school and college- never really well, mostly always on recreational teams, always for fun. Soccer was never NOT fun for me.

I was a ref through high school, watching the herd that always is found when young kids play soccer. I started to coach in college- young kids, boys and girls, that made me laugh. I coached kindergarten kids. I coached middle school girls. I coached when I was pregnant with the twins and had to wear the same jersey as the team- making me look something akin to Tommy Lasorda. I even coached the twins through their first four years in soccer. Soccer is a great game for young kids. You don't have to be super athletic to contribute in a soccer game.

My twins play soccer- right now we're in the indoor season. Generally, one is on the field and one is in the goal. They seem to enjoy it as much as I do, and that's a blessing.
You rarely see a soccer field as seemingly empty as k captured it last week. Good eye, k.

For more WordfulWednesday contributions, don't forget to check out SevenClownCircus!


Leslie said...

Indoor soccer? So is that artificial turf that they play on? Interesting picture!

Unknown said...

Soccer is a great sport. I was hoping Kaish would try it this spring, but he wants to play golf and tennis. Hmmmmmm.

Michelle said...

Nice shot K! I love the angle.

Claremont First Ward said...

My girls were not interested in soccer, but I'm sure my boys will be.....:)