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27 April 2010

multitudes (149-198)

(photo credit- Sunrise 02 by chimothy27 @flickr- an Iowa sunrise taken one morning almost exactly a year ago)

Thy bounty is seen
in the relations that train us,
the laws that defend us,
the homes that shelter us,
the food that builds us,
the raiment that comforts us,
the continuance of our health, members, senses, understanding, memory, affection, will.
"Second Day Evening- Bounty," Valley of Vision

149. "None will long remain miserable who use aright the privilege of going to the mercy seat of a reconciled God in Jesus Christ." Matthew Henry
150.  the excitement of my kids preparing for the spring choir concert
151.  my faithful friends jumping in to help in the kitchen
152.  Papa in the audience
153.  Ethiopian dinner & an evening of precious fellowship ending in prayer
154.  craftsmanship beyond what we expected on the new porch rail
155.  safe travel, to and fro
156.  emerald green growth against deep dark and rich soil
157.  a rare evening with family, complete with mini-recital
158.  the view of the valley in Pennsylvania
159.  gracious and generous hospitality
160.  watching my kids make friends with MK's
161.  easy relationships that stand the test of time
162.  the foundation of our nation's heritage
163.  the service of those who gave their lives in battle
164.  cheerful text messages along the way
165.  kingdom work around the world
166.  those who support His workers faithfully
167.  "to have a passion for God is to have a passion for the nations."
168.  "we are characters in His story..."
169.  Ephesians 1:7- In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the .  riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us.
170.  thoughtful and curious questions during an afternoon with Spanish students
171.  the fellowship of believers
172.  a plan and a good prognosis
173.  how beautiful those old wood floors look!
174.  clean windows
175.  hearty welcomes and a meal to serve
176.  leftovers
177.  how clean is fresh paint!
178.  lilacs
179.  a bed of pink tulips
180.  rejoicing with an expecting mom
181.  catching up at Panera
182.  in person thank you's
183.  driving with the top down on a spring afternoon
184.  a phone call in the park
185.  return to Sunday worship
186.  "why is prayer necessary?  It is the chief part of thankfulness..."
187.  the poetry of Psalms
188.  a willing volunteer, an answer to prayer
189.  first birthday!
190.  family rituals
191.  lemons in a blue bowl
192.  a sweet email note
193.  the Sudanese kids
194.  a new Somali friend
195.  being schooled on the French Bible translation
196.  she who was lost is found
197.  hope for a buyer
198.  the stillness of morning

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