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13 July 2010

Christians NEVER say goodbye!

'At all events,' he said with a cheerful grin, 'we'll certainly meet again, here - or there.'  Then it was time to go, and we drained our mugs.  When we emerged on to the busy High with the traffic streaming past, we shook hands, and he said:  'I shan't say goodbye.  We'll meet again.'  Then he plunged into the traffic.  I stood there watching him.  When he reached the pavement on the other side, he turned round as though he knew somehow that I would still be standing there in front of the Eastgate.  Then he raised his voice in a great roar that easily overcame the noise of the cars and buses.  Heads turned and at least one car swerved.  'Besides,' he bellowed with a great grin, 'Christians NEVER say goodbye!"

CS Lewis to Sheldon Vanauken in A Severe Mercy


Joetta said...

That is an excellent thought to remember in August when good-byes are said to you and your family.

sperlonga said...

Yes, English doesn't seem to have the same farewell (although, maybe this is one) words that are positive as other languages like, adio, adios, adieu, all commiting the person to God!
Till next time!