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09 February 2013


(Mosaic found in Church of the Multiplication in Israel, replica in chapel at Loaves & Fishes)

I helped to serve breakfast at Loaves & Fishes of the Rio Grande Valley, a local ministry to serve the homeless and needy. Loaves & Fishes feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless, facilitates job training and placement, and provides aid, both financial and non-financial, to those in need.

Some facts about the county where I live-
The poverty rate is 34.9 percent, double the rate of the rest of Texas.
The unemployment rate is 9.7 percent.
The illiteracy rate among those over 25 years old is 43 percent.
73 percent speak a language other than English at home.

Loaves and Fishes is doing a good work in our community, a place that needs the Gospel in Word and in deed. It was privilege to come alongside them on Friday.

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