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13 January 2008

Happy Mail!

Once the Christmas flurry of packages and greetings finishes, our mail tends to be the necessary and tedious things of life- income tax statements, notices for fees and licensing to the city, reminders of to-do's...

Until Saturday!
When, much to my surprise, I received a package labeled "Happy Mail!"
And it was!

My good friend Julie in Washington is perhaps the craftiest person I know. I mean that "crafty" in the nicest possible sense! :-) She recently started a new blog. And by some unexpected and unplanned turn of events, I happened to be the first to comment on her new blog, and she sent me a prize- a very cute little journal, that she created especially for me, thinking of the upcoming travel I'll be doing.

Happy mail, indeed!! I was delighted! What a perfect little gift. And she handcrafted it herself! It has lined paper for notes, tabs for photos, even a little pocket for tickets and momentos.

I am eager to put it to use, friend. You blessed me. And even more, reminded me that I should send some happy mail out. This could be a new trend... (just don't expect handmade craftiness from this address... :-) )


Karen said...

that is most adorable! Love it!

sperlonga said...

OOOOO, THAT has to be the coolest present!! NOthing like a new journal! What a lovely new post! I'm feeling very !!!! today!!! :)

C and J said...

What a wonderful, special friend and person! Hi, Julie! You're terrific! XOXOXO, Mom