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28 May 2009

Writer's Workshop- 10 Things That Make You HAPPY

From this week's assignment at Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop:
List ten things that make you HAPPY:
(in no particular order...)

1. Fresh brewed ice tea. with a piece of lemon. and sometimes, half a packet of the pink sugar package.

2. being with friends, in no hurry, and laughing, laughing, laughing.

3. a date with my husband. just us. anywhere.

4. my Life is Good long sleeve t-shirt.

5. Road trips.

6. clean sheets.

7. listening to my kids play nice.

8. my summer i-tunes disc.

9. worship. especially closing my eyes and listening to voices in harmony.

10. sunshine on my face.



KatBouska said...

Clean sheets!! Yes!!!

Great list!

Michelle said...

That is a great top 10 list!