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29 August 2010

Sunday morning in Isaiah 6

I see the Lord, seated on the throne,exalted.
And the train of His robe fills the temple with glory.
And the whole earth is filled,
And the whole earth is filled,
And the whole earth is filled,
With His glory.

Holy. Holy. Holy. Holy.
Holy is the Lord.
Holy. Holy. Holy. Holy.
Holy is the Lord of Lords.

I See the Lord by Chris Falson, 1993
(from Isaiah 6)

I arrived at Isaiah 6 this morning, and immediately I am brought to worship. I fall to the ground next to Isaiah, trembling and calling out, “Woe is me!” I know only a glimpse of His glory, and it is enough.

You see, I woke up this morning, and before even opening my eyes, I remembered, I’m not at home.
I won’t go strolling into church this morning and be greeted by friends.
I won’t sing familiar songs and hymns, and I won’t close my eyes and know the voices around me.
I won’t repeat the creeds and prayers by memory.
I don’t know what to expect. My kids are grumpy, because they don’t know what to expect, either.
It would be easier to stay home.

But my eyes have seen; my ears have heard; my heart has been changed by the glory of the King.
I am called to worship.

At verse 8 in Isaiah 6, the Lord asks, “Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?” We have heard that question, and like Isaiah, we have answered, “Here am I. Send me!” But then, in the next verse, the Lord commands Isaiah, and me, to “Go, and tell this people…”
And I remember, that is why we are here- to learn Spanish; to be able to tell the people the very Good News of the Gospel.

We go. We shuffle, late, into a service already begun. And even though the tongue is not familiar, we worship.
We sing.
We pray.
We are prayed for.
We are even blessed to recognize a few familiar faces.
The Lord is exceedingly good to us.

And the whole earth is filled with His glory.

(art credit to Mark Lawrence, He Covered His Face)

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