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08 January 2013


"What a heart knows by heart is what a heart really knows."
Dennis Lennon

Oh the things that my mind remembers, that my heart knows.
I can turn on the "oldies" radio (how does '80's music become "oldies"?) and Name That Tune and sing right along.
I know dialogue of random movies and musicals.
I remember conversations and hurtful words of the past long beyond wanting to and I am reminded at moments when I least expect to be.

But this is what I want to really know- His word.
So I'm starting on The Romans Project, memorizing Romans 1, 8, and 12 in the year ahead, a couple verses a week, 87 in all.
Truthfully, I am not sure I can.
I'm going to try anyway.

(confession- I do love that I get a little moleskine notebook besides...)

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