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08 April 2008

Disposition of pride

from Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges:

"Perhaps the larger reason why we do not experience more of God's grace is our misconception that, having been saved by grace, we must now, at least to some degree, "pay our own way" and earn God's blessings in our daily lives...

In fact this misconception that we must pay our own way is more than a mistaken theological notion. It actually springs from the perverse disposition of our hearts- the disposition of pride.

Noted theologian R.C. Sproul wrote,
Perhaps the most difficult task for us to perform is to rely on God's grace and God's grace alone for our salvation. It is difficult for our pride to rest on grace. Grace is for other people- for beggars. We don't want to live by a heavenly welfare system. We want to earn our own way and atone for our own sins. We like to think that we will go to heaven because we deserve to be there."

Which goes right to the heart of Psalm 71:1-
In Thee O Lord, I have taken refuge;
Let me never be ashamed.

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