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28 February 2017


with patience.
It seemed like a day that was full of with patience. A few of the kids at the elementary school behaved especially poorly, enough that I began to question any sort of call I might have once thought I heard. Then that behavior started to repeat itself in the evening outreach. Boys kicking down the girls' Jenga game. Boys trying to punch each other. Kids wanting to come in and go out and come in... We walked the tight line of keeping standards and keeping others safe while loving the sometimes very hard to love. The line to cross the bridge home was lengthier than usual. The wait for a bite to carry out and eat on the way home seemed longer than it should be. We were finally on our way home when we heard a loud noise as we hit something that shouldn't have been in the road. And then a flat tire we had to stop to fix on the side of a dark highway.
with patience. 

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